Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/nailstv/www/fr.nails.tv/include/kcfinder/core/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/nailstv/www/fr.nails.tv/include/kcfinder/core/browser.php


/** This file is part of KCFinder project
  *      @desc Browser actions class
  *   @package KCFinder
  *   @version 2.2
  *    @author Pavel Tzonkov <pavelc@users.sourceforge.net>
  * @copyright 2010 KCFinder Project
  *   @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GPLv2
  *   @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php LGPLv2
  *      @link http://kcfinder.sunhater.com

class browser extends uploader {
    protected $action;
    protected $thumbsDir;
    protected $thumbsTypeDir;

    public function __construct() {

        if (isset($this->post['dir'])) {
            $dir = $this->checkInputDir($this->post['dir'], true, false);
            if ($dir === false) unset($this->post['dir']);
            $this->post['dir'] = $dir;

        if (isset($this->get['dir'])) {
            $dir = $this->checkInputDir($this->get['dir'], true, false);
            if ($dir === false) unset($this->get['dir']);
            $this->get['dir'] = $dir;

        $thumbsDir = $this->config['uploadDir'] . "/" . $this->config['thumbsDir'];
        if ((
                !is_dir($thumbsDir) &&
                !@mkdir($thumbsDir, $this->config['dirPerms'])
            ) ||

            !is_readable($thumbsDir) ||
            !dir::isWritable($thumbsDir) ||
                !is_dir("$thumbsDir/{$this->type}") &&
                !@mkdir("$thumbsDir/{$this->type}", $this->config['dirPerms'])
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot access or create thumbnails folder.");

        $this->thumbsDir = $thumbsDir;
        $this->thumbsTypeDir = "$thumbsDir/{$this->type}";

        // Remove temporary zip downloads if exists
        $files = dir::content($this->config['uploadDir'], array(
            'types' => "file",
            'pattern' => '/^.*\.zip$/i'

        if (is_array($files) && count($files)) {
            $time = time();
            foreach ($files as $file)
                if (is_file($file) && ($time - filemtime($file) > 3600))

    public function action() {
        $act = isset($this->get['act']) ? $this->get['act'] : "browser";
        if (!method_exists($this, "act_$act"))
            $act = "browser";
        $this->action = $act;
        $method = "act_$act";

        if ($this->config['disabled']) {
            $message = $this->label("You don't have permissions to browse server.");
            if (in_array($act, array("browser", "upload")) ||
                (substr($act, 0, 8) == "download")
            else {
                header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset={$this->charset}");
                die($this->output(array('message' => $message), "error"));

        if (!isset($this->session['dir']))
            $this->session['dir'] = $this->type;
        else {
            $type = $this->getTypeFromPath($this->session['dir']);
            $dir = $this->config['uploadDir'] . "/" . $this->session['dir'];
            if (($type != $this->type) || !is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir))
                $this->session['dir'] = $this->type;
        $this->session['dir'] = path::normalize($this->session['dir']);

        if ($act == "browser") {
            header("X-UA-Compatible: chrome=1");
            header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$this->charset}");
        } else if (
            (substr($act, 0, 8) != "download") &&
            !in_array($act, array("thumb", "upload"))
            header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset={$this->charset}");
        elseif ($act != "thumb")
            header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$this->charset}");

        $return = $this->$method();
        echo ($return === true)
            ? "<root></root>"
            : $return;

    protected function act_browser() {
        if (isset($this->get['dir']) &&
            is_dir("{$this->typeDir}/{$this->get['dir']}") &&
            $this->session['dir'] = path::normalize("{$this->type}/{$this->get['dir']}");

        return $this->output();

    protected function act_init() {
        $tree = $this->getDirInfo($this->typeDir);
        $tree['dirs'] = $this->getTree($this->session['dir']);
        if (!is_array($tree['dirs']) || !count($tree['dirs']))
        $tree = $this->xmlTree($tree);
        $files = $this->getFiles($this->session['dir']);
        $dirWritable = dir::isWritable("{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->session['dir']}");
        $data = array(
            'tree' => &$tree,
            'files' => &$files,
            'dirWritable' => $dirWritable
        return $this->output($data);

    protected function act_thumb() {
        if (!isset($this->get['file']))
        $file = $this->get['file'];
        if (basename($file) != $file)
        $file = "{$this->thumbsDir}/{$this->session['dir']}/$file";
        if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
            $file = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->session['dir']}/" . basename($file);
            if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file))
            $image = new gd($file);
            if ($image->init_error)
            if (in_array($image->type, $browsable) &&
                ($image->get_width() <= $this->config['thumbWidth']) &&
                ($image->get_height() <= $this->config['thumbHeight'])
            ) {
                $type =
                    ($image->type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) ? "gif" : (
                    ($image->type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) ? "png" : "jpeg");
                $type = "image/$type";
                httpCache::file($file, $type);
            } else
        httpCache::file($file, "image/jpeg");

    protected function act_expand() {
        return $this->output(array('dirs' => $this->getDirs($this->postDir())));

    protected function act_chDir() {
        $this->postDir(); // Just for existing check
        $this->session['dir'] = $this->type . "/" . $this->post['dir'];
        $dirWritable = dir::isWritable("{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->session['dir']}");
        return $this->output(array(
            'files' => $this->getFiles($this->session['dir']),
            'dirWritable' => $dirWritable

    protected function act_newDir() {
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $dir = $this->postDir();
        $newDir = trim($this->post['newDir']);
        if (!strlen($newDir))
            $this->errorMsg("Please enter new folder name.");
        if (preg_match('/[\/\\\\]/s', $newDir))
            $this->errorMsg("Unallowable characters in folder name.");
        if (substr($newDir, 0, 1) == ".")
            $this->errorMsg("Folder name shouldn't begins with '.'");
        if (file_exists("$dir/$newDir"))
            $this->errorMsg("A file or folder with that name already exists.");
        if (!@mkdir("$dir/$newDir", $this->config['dirPerms']))
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot create {dir} folder.", array('dir' => $newDir));
        return true;

    protected function act_renameDir() {
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $dir = $this->postDir();
        $newName = trim($this->post['newName']);
        if (!strlen($newName))
            $this->errorMsg("Please enter new folder name.");
        if (preg_match('/[\/\\\\]/s', $newName))
            $this->errorMsg("Unallowable characters in folder name.");
        if (substr($newName, 0, 1) == ".")
            $this->errorMsg("Folder name shouldn't begins with '.'");
        if (!@rename($dir, dirname($dir) . "/$newName"))
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot rename the folder.");
        $thumbDir = "$this->thumbsTypeDir/{$this->post['dir']}";
        if (is_dir($thumbDir))
            @rename($thumbDir, dirname($thumbDir) . "/$newName");
        return $this->output(array('name' => $newName));

    protected function act_deleteDir() {
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $dir = $this->postDir();

        if (!dir::isWritable($dir))
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot delete the folder.");
        $result = !dir::prune($dir, false);
        if (is_array($result) && count($result))
            $this->errorMsg("Failed to delete {count} files/folders.",
                array('count' => count($result)));
        $thumbDir = "$this->thumbsTypeDir/{$this->post['dir']}";
        if (is_dir($thumbDir)) dir::prune($thumbDir);
        return $this->output();

    protected function act_upload() {
        if ($this->config['readonly'] || !isset($this->post['dir']))
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $dir = $this->postDir();

        if (!dir::isWritable($dir))
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot access or write to upload folder.");

        $message = $this->checkUploadedFile();

        if ($message !== true) {
            if (isset($this->file['tmp_name']))

        $target = "$dir/" . file::getInexistantFilename($this->file['name'], $dir);

        if (!move_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'], $target)) {
            $this->errorMsg("Cannot move uploaded file to target folder.");
        } elseif (function_exists('chmod'))
            chmod($target, $this->config['filePerms']);

        return "/" . basename($target);

    protected function act_download() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if (!isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !isset($this->post['file']) ||
            (false === ($file = "$dir/{$this->post['file']}")) ||
            !file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        header("Pragma: public");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
        header("Cache-Control: private", false);
        header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', "_", $this->post['file']) . '"');
        header("Content-Transfer-Encoding:­ binary");
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

    protected function act_rename() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !isset($this->post['file']) ||
            !isset($this->post['newName']) ||
            (false === ($file = "$dir/{$this->post['file']}")) ||
            !file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file) || !file::isWritable($file)
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $newName = trim($this->post['newName']);
        if (!strlen($newName))
            $this->errorMsg("Please enter new file name.");
        if (preg_match('/[\/\\\\]/s', $newName))
            $this->errorMsg("Unallowable characters in file name.");
        if (substr($newName, 0, 1) == ".")
            $this->errorMsg("File name shouldn't begins with '.'");
        $newName = "$dir/$newName";
        if (file_exists($newName))
            $this->errorMsg("A file or folder with that name already exists.");
        $ext = file::getExtension($newName);
        if (!$this->validateExtension($ext, $this->type))
            $this->errorMsg("Denied file extension.");
        if (!@rename($file, $newName))
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $thumbDir = "{$this->thumbsTypeDir}/{$this->post['dir']}";
        $thumbFile = "$thumbDir/{$this->post['file']}";

        if (file_exists($thumbFile))
            @rename($thumbFile, "$thumbDir/" . basename($newName));
        return true;

    protected function act_delete() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !isset($this->post['file']) ||
            (false === ($file = "$dir/{$this->post['file']}")) ||
            !file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file) || !file::isWritable($file) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $thumb = "{$this->thumbsTypeDir}/{$this->post['dir']}/{$this->post['file']}";
        if (file_exists($thumb)) @unlink($thumb);
        return true;

    protected function act_cp_cbd() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir) || !dir::isWritable($dir) ||
            !isset($this->post['files']) || !is_array($this->post['files']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $error = array();
        foreach($this->post['files'] as $file) {
            $file = path::normalize($file);
            if (substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") continue;
            $type = explode("/", $file);
            $type = $type[0];
            if ($type != $this->type) continue;
            $path = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file";
            $base = basename($file);
            $replace = array('file' => $base);
            $ext = file::getExtension($base);
            if (!file_exists($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("The file '{file}' does not exist.", $replace);
            elseif (substr($base, 0, 1) == ".")
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("File name shouldn't begins with '.'");
            elseif (!$this->validateExtension($ext, $type))
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("Denied file extension.");
            elseif (file_exists("$dir/$base"))
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("A file or folder with that name already exists.");
            elseif (!is_readable($path) || !is_file($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("Cannot read '{file}'.", $replace);
            elseif (!@copy($path, "$dir/$base"))
                $error[] = $this->label("Cannot copy '{file}'.", $replace);
            else {
                if (function_exists("chmod"))
                    @chmod("$dir/$base", $this->config['filePerms']);
                $fromThumb = "{$this->thumbsDir}/$file";
                if (is_file($fromThumb) && is_readable($fromThumb)) {
                    $toThumb = "{$this->thumbsTypeDir}/{$this->post['dir']}";
                    if (!is_dir($toThumb))
                        helper::rmkdir($toThumb, $this->config['dirPerms']);
                    $toThumb .= "/$base";
                    @copy($fromThumb, $toThumb);
        if (count($error))
            return $this->output(array('message' => $error), "error");
        return true;

    protected function act_mv_cbd() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir) || !dir::isWritable($dir) ||
            !isset($this->post['files']) || !is_array($this->post['files']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $error = array();
        foreach($this->post['files'] as $file) {
            $file = path::normalize($file);
            if (substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") continue;
            $type = explode("/", $file);
            $type = $type[0];
            if ($type != $this->type) continue;
            $path = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file";
            $base = basename($file);
            $replace = array('file' => $base);
            $ext = file::getExtension($base);
            if (!file_exists($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("The file '{file}' does not exist.", $replace);
            elseif (substr($base, 0, 1) == ".")
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("File name shouldn't begins with '.'");
            elseif (!$this->validateExtension($ext, $type))
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("Denied file extension.");
            elseif (file_exists("$dir/$base"))
                $error[] = "$base: " . $this->label("A file or folder with that name already exists.");
            elseif (!is_readable($path) || !is_file($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("Cannot read '{file}'.", $replace);
            elseif (!file::isWritable($path) || !@rename($path, "$dir/$base"))
                $error[] = $this->label("Cannot move '{file}'.", $replace);
            else {
                if (function_exists("chmod"))
                    @chmod("$dir/$base", $this->config['filePerms']);
                $fromThumb = "{$this->thumbsDir}/$file";
                if (is_file($fromThumb) && is_readable($fromThumb)) {
                    $toThumb = "{$this->thumbsTypeDir}/{$this->post['dir']}";
                    if (!is_dir($toThumb))
                        helper::rmkdir($toThumb, $this->config['dirPerms']);
                    $toThumb .= "/$base";
                    @rename($fromThumb, $toThumb);
        if (count($error))
            return $this->output(array('message' => $error), "error");
        return true;

    protected function act_rm_cbd() {
        if ($this->config['readonly'] ||
            !isset($this->post['files']) ||
            !is_array($this->post['files']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $error = array();
        foreach($this->post['files'] as $file) {
            $file = path::normalize($file);
            if (substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") continue;
            $type = explode("/", $file);
            $type = $type[0];
            if ($type != $this->type) continue;
            $path = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file";
            $base = basename($file);
            $replace = array('file' => $base);
            if (!is_file($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("The file '{file}' does not exist.", $replace);
            elseif (!@unlink($path))
                $error[] = $this->label("Cannot delete '{file}'.", $replace);
            else {
                $thumb = "{$this->thumbsDir}/$file";
                if (is_file($thumb)) @unlink($thumb);
        if (count($error))
            return $this->output(array('message' => $error), "error");
        return true;

    protected function act_downloadDir() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if (!isset($this->post['dir']) || $this->config['denyZipDownload'])
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");
        $filename = basename($dir) . ".zip";
        do {
            $file = md5(time() . session_id());
            $file = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file.zip";
        } while (file_exists($file));
        new zipFolder($file, $dir);
        header("Content-Type: application/x-zip");
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', "_", $filename) . '"');
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

    protected function act_downloadSelected() {
        $dir = $this->postDir();
        if (!isset($this->post['dir']) ||
            !isset($this->post['files']) ||
            !is_array($this->post['files']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $zipFiles = array();
        foreach ($this->post['files'] as $file) {
            $file = path::normalize($file);
            if ((substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") || (strpos($file, '/') !== false))
            $file = "$dir/$file";
            if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file))
            $zipFiles[] = $file;

        do {
            $file = md5(time() . session_id());
            $file = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file.zip";
        } while (file_exists($file));

        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $res = $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
        if ($res === TRUE) {
            foreach ($zipFiles as $cfile)
                $zip->addFile($cfile, basename($cfile));
        header("Content-Type: application/x-zip");
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="selected_files_' . basename($file) . '"');
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

    protected function act_downloadClipboard() {
        if (!isset($this->post['files']) ||
            !is_array($this->post['files']) ||
            $this->errorMsg("Unknown error.");

        $zipFiles = array();
        foreach ($this->post['files'] as $file) {
            $file = path::normalize($file);
            if ((substr($file, 0, 1) == "."))
            $type = explode("/", $file);
            $type = $type[0];
            if ($type != $this->type)
            $file = $this->config['uploadDir'] . "/$file";
            if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file))
            $zipFiles[] = $file;

        do {
            $file = md5(time() . session_id());
            $file = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$file.zip";
        } while (file_exists($file));

        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $res = $zip->open($file, ZipArchive::CREATE);
        if ($res === TRUE) {
            foreach ($zipFiles as $cfile)
                $zip->addFile($cfile, basename($cfile));
        header("Content-Type: application/x-zip");
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="clipboard_' . basename($file) . '"');
        header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

    protected function sendDefaultThumb($file=null) {
        if ($file !== null) {
            $ext = file::getExtension($file);
            $thumb = "themes/{$this->config['theme']}/img/files/big/$ext.png";
        if (!isset($thumb) || !file_exists($thumb))
            $thumb = "themes/{$this->config['theme']}/img/files/big/..png";
        header("Content-Type: image/png");

    protected function getFiles($dir) {
        $thumbDir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->config['thumbsDir']}/$dir";
        $dir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$dir";
        $return = array();
        $files = dir::content($dir, array('types' => "file"));
        if ($files === false)
            return $return;

        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $this->makeThumb($file, false);
            $image = new gd($file);
            $image = !$image->init_error &&
                ($image->get_width() <= $this->config['thumbWidth']) &&
                ($image->get_height() <= $this->config['thumbHeight']);
            $stat = stat($file);
            if ($stat === false) continue;
            $name = basename($file);
            $ext = file::getExtension($file);
            $bigIcon = file_exists("themes/{$this->config['theme']}/img/files/big/$ext.png");
            $smallIcon = file_exists("themes/{$this->config['theme']}/img/files/small/$ext.png");
            $thumb = file_exists("$thumbDir/$name");
            $return[] = array(
                'name' => stripcslashes($name),
                'size' => $stat['size'],
                'mtime' => $stat['mtime'],
                'date' => @strftime($this->dateTimeSmall, $stat['mtime']),
                'readable' => is_readable($file),
                'writable' => file::isWritable($file),
                'bigIcon' => $bigIcon,
                'smallIcon' => $smallIcon,
                'thumb' => $thumb,
                'smallThumb' => $image
        return $return;

    protected function xmlTree(array $tree) {
        $xml = '<dir readable="' . ($tree['readable'] ? "yes" : "no") . '" writable="' . ($tree['writable'] ? "yes" : "no") . '" removable="' . ($tree['removable'] ? "yes" : "no") . '" hasDirs="' . ($tree['hasDirs'] ? "yes" : "no") . '"' . (isset($tree['current']) ? ' current="yes"' : '') . '><name>' . text::xmlData($tree['name']) . '</name>';
        if (isset($tree['dirs']) && is_array($tree['dirs']) && count($tree['dirs'])) {
            $xml .= "<dirs>";
            foreach ($tree['dirs'] as $dir)
                $xml .= $this->xmlTree($dir);
            $xml .= "</dirs>";
        $xml .= '</dir>';
        return $xml;

    protected function getTree($dir, $index=0) {
        $path = explode("/", $dir);

        $pdir = "";
        for ($i = 0; ($i <= $index && $i < count($path)); $i++)
            $pdir .= "/{$path[$i]}";
        if (strlen($pdir))
            $pdir = substr($pdir, 1);

        $fdir = "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/$pdir";

        $dirs = $this->getDirs($fdir);

        if (is_array($dirs) && count($dirs) && ($index <= count($path) - 1)) {

            foreach ($dirs as $i => $cdir) {
                if ($cdir['hasDirs'] &&
                        ($index == count($path) - 1) ||
                        ($cdir['name'] == $path[$index + 1])
                ) {
                    $dirs[$i]['dirs'] = $this->getTree($dir, $index + 1);
                    if (!is_array($dirs[$i]['dirs']) || !count($dirs[$i]['dirs'])) {
        } else
            return false;

        return $dirs;

    protected function postDir($existent=true) {
        $dir = $this->typeDir;
        if (isset($this->post['dir']))
            $dir .= "/" . $this->post['dir'];
        if ($existent && (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)))
            $this->errorMsg("Inexistant or inaccessible folder.");
        return $dir;

    protected function getDir($existent=true) {
        $dir = $this->typeDir;
        if (isset($this->get['dir']))
            $dir .= "/" . $this->get['dir'];
        if ($existent && (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)))
            $this->errorMsg("Inexistant or inaccessible folder.");
        return $dir;

    protected function getDirs($dir) {
        $dirs = dir::content($dir, array('types' => "dir"));
        $return = array();
        if (is_array($dirs)) {
            $writable = dir::isWritable($dir);
            foreach ($dirs as $cdir) {
                $info = $this->getDirInfo($cdir);
                if ($info === false) continue;
                $info['removable'] = $writable && $info['writable'];
                $return[] = $info;
        return $return;

    protected function getDirInfo($dir, $removable=false) {
        if ((substr(basename($dir), 0, 1) == ".") || !is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir))
            return false;
        $dirs = dir::content($dir, array('types' => "dir"));
        if (is_array($dirs)) {
            foreach ($dirs as $key => $cdir)
                if (substr(basename($cdir), 0, 1) == ".")
            $hasDirs = count($dirs) ? true : false;
        } else
            $hasDirs = false;

        $writable = dir::isWritable($dir);
        $info = array(
            'name' => stripslashes(basename($dir)),
            'readable' => is_readable($dir),
            'writable' => $writable,
            'removable' => $removable && $writable && dir::isWritable(dirname($dir)),
            'hasDirs' => $hasDirs

        if ($dir == "{$this->config['uploadDir']}/{$this->session['dir']}")
            $info['current'] = true;

        return $info;

    protected function output($data=null, $template=null) {
        if (!is_array($data)) $data = array();
        if ($template === null)
            $template = $this->action;

        if (file_exists("tpl/tpl_$template.php")) {
            $eval = "unset(\$data);unset(\$template);unset(\$eval);";
            $_ = $data;
            foreach (array_keys($data) as $key)
                if (preg_match('/^[a-z\d_]+$/i', $key))
                    $eval .= "\$$key=\$_['$key'];";
            $eval .= "unset(\$_);require \"tpl/tpl_$template.php\";";
            return ob_get_clean();

        return "";

    protected function errorMsg($message, array $data=null) {
        if (in_array($this->action, array("thumb", "upload", "download", "downloadDir")))
            die($this->label($message, $data));
        if (($this->action === null) || ($this->action == "browser"))
            $this->backMsg($message, $data);
        else {
            $message = $this->label($message, $data);
            die($this->output(array('message' => $message), 'error'));


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0